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ADempiere and JasperReport integration upgraded to JasperReports-4.5.1

Recently in ADempiere forums we had a question how to upgrade JasperReport engine used in ADempiere to the newest version 4.5.1. From developers point of view it is quite easy. Developer just need to update JasperReport jar file. In order to be more precise and helpful to the non technical users i have documented all steps: 1) Download newest version of JasperReports and iReport 2) Get ADempiere sources 3) In ADempiere source tree( just one file: JasperReports/build.xml ) replace old version of jasperreports-3.7.3.jar with the newest jasperreports-4.5.1.jar 4) Start ADempiere build process(utils_dev/  5) Do not forget to apply latest ADempiere patches! As we can see this are just 5 simple steps, but in case you do not have time to setup ADempiere source and build it, i have published ADempiere-3.6.0 with JasperReport-4.5.1 for you. Enjoy!
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Trifon's shared RSS feeds

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